awakened queen retreats


 The time has come to plant your seed of Sovereignty and Blossom into the Woman you were Divinely Designed to BE...

The Queen Awakening Retreat


Embark upon a journey of Self Discovery, Self Acceptance, and Self Love surrounded by the love of Sisterhood. We will be tapping into the innate wisdom and magick stored within your Sacred Body Temple. Awaken to the truth of who you are, why you came to this earth and how to work with the source of your Divinity to cultivate and create a life you truly desire and deserve. 

**Spots are limited and by application only. **

Queen Retreat Magick


*Chakra Clearing

*Royal Rage & Release

*Beauty Alchemy Blends

*Herbal Plant Medicine


*Oceanic Magick

*Regal Rememberance


*Holy Honoring

*Elemental Work

*Self Love Scrying

*Ceremonial Scrolls

***Awakened Queen's Coronation***

Awaken to your sovereign divinity

Soul Self Analysis


Over the course of 3 Full Moon's you will dive deep into the waters of your own soul. You will be given a carefully crafted Awakened Queen's Guide where you will become the most fascinating subject you have ever studied.

 We will explore parts of ourselves we didn't know existed. We will mine for the gold of our unique Awakened Queen Code that will unlock our innate Magick and primal connection to the Holy Queen. Deepening our connection to the Earth, the Elements, and our Sacred Body Temples. 



The Journey of a thousand miles starts with one step....and the journey is not only less treacherous when joined by other travelers, there is a deep rooted beauty to having a Sisterhood to support you on your journey. 

As we Awaken to the ancient truths buried within the soil of our souls and the soils of the lands we will travel there will be tears, there will be struggle, there  will be times it feels as if you are not strong enough to RISE, but once you become an Awakened Queen you enter a lifelong Sisterhood of Queen's ready, willing, and dedicated to not only walking their own path, but holding your hand as you walk yours if you need it. 



Where there is beauty in Awakening, there is also responsibility. Once you truly Awaken to the truth of who you are you will not be able to go back to sleep. 

When you commit to your Sovereignty and cultivate the Self Love required to walk the path you will discover your Divine Destiny. This may not be immediate, but it is a natural side effect of doing "the work" and often this can become overwhelming which is why we are building The Queen Awakening as a Movement with a conscious & committed focus on our Community. Our temples and Council will provide additional support for women as they RISE into the Awakened Queen's they were born to be. 


Flower Full Moon - May 17-20th

Retreat Information

Worship at the feet of your own Divinity...